Thursday, November 09, 2006

John Boehner for Minority Leader

John Boehner is the logical choice for Minority Leader if you want a true Conservative who will not deviate from his beliefs, knows the system, how to make it work and is trusted by Conservatives and Liberals. He is trusted because he is honest.

"I have decided to campaign for Republican Leader and ask my colleagues for
their support. Yesterday's outcome gives Republicans two very distinct choices.
We can either ignore this setback and its lessons, and face the prospect of
permanent minority status. Or we can pull together as a team and renew our
commitment to ideas and reform."I'm running for Republican Leader because I
believe we must confront these lessons directly, renew our commitment to the
principles that brought us to majority in 1994, and articulate a powerful and
positive vision for the future based on our core principles. In doing so, we can
recover not just our majority, but the energy and promise of a vibrant,
long-term majority."Since my colleagues elected me Majority Leader in February,
House Republicans have worked hard to re-engage in the battle against pork
barrel spending by instituting comprehensive earmark reform, worked hard to
reestablish our commitment to fiscal discipline, and worked hard to champion tax
relief policies to prevent a massive Democrat tax hike. Republicans are still
the party of smaller, less costly, and more accountable government. Once we
renew our commitment to reform, I'm confident we will return to the majority."
I have worked with Congressman Boehner's staff on a few projects. I have met and spoken with the Congressman in one-on-one situations, without staff, without an agenda and I have found him to be straight forward, honest and, I find this important, have a sense of humor. There are so many self important prigs in Congress. They all share one thing, they have no sense of humor. Oh, they also share their hate.

Boehner shares our goals, knows how to obtain them and will work incrediably hard to make them the reality.


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