I am the only candidate in this race
with the experience necessary to go
to Washington and hit the ground
running. My 20 years of experience
as a high school teacher provided
me with unique insights into the
needs of families and children. As
a state legislator, I understand how
to meet constituent needs, work
with different coalitions, craft
bipartisan legislation, and turn
legislation into law. As director of
the Office of Appalachia, I learned
about the special challenges of our
region to meet the needs of people.
I am a passionate public servant
with a caring heart. I want to serve
this district in Congress so it can
receive the attention it deserves.
I want to fight to keep our taxes
low, and create an economic
environment that encourages
good jobs that can support families.
I want to make sure the federal
government demands educational
excellence and provides funding
for federal mandates, while at the
same time stops short of taking
control from local school boards,
teachers and parents. Responsible
government is a very serious
business. My commitment is to
deliver honest, straight-forward,
hardworking representation NOW
that will establish a secure future
for ourselves and our children.